We're all big fans of computers and technology (who would have guessed?) and our team has compiled a list of a few of our favorites. Some are related to what we do, some are sites for online learning, some are tools of the trade, and still others are just plain fun! We'd love for you to let us know if you have one (or more) websites to add to this page along with the reason why!
Featured ...

Khan Academy Online Learning

Stack Overflow Coding

Information is Beautiful Infographics

TED Learning

Google Maps Tools

Coursera Online Learning
And check out a few more—you might find something very useful—or just plain fun!
WhatCMS - Do you want to find out what CMS a website is using? This is the site to find out.
Google Speed Test - Is your website operating quickly? This site will help you find out.
Google - Looking for something? Google is a great place to start.
Wayback Machine - What did that website USE to look like? There's a very good chance you can find out here.
W3 Schools - Do you want to learn how to code? This site is a great place to start.
Unsplash - Need a photo but don't have a big budget? Many high quality photos and sometimes exactly what you need are here. For free. But credit the photographer.
Coolors - Need a color scheme but don't know where to start? Here's where to begin.
Adobe - The name in graphics software. But not for the small or non-existent budget ...
Google Earth - Where do YOU want to virtually visit? You don't need to get on a plane ...
Google Translate - What does that road sign in Portuguese mean? Find out here.
Dropbox - A file hosting service that lets you put all your stuff in a single place and share it ... or store it.